Last month i changed up how I was going to post these articles and decided I would now focus on my whole blog in these top five round-ups rather than just the articles that were posted in that month.

Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the product.
As with the previous one, I’m going to include the number of views each article gets too so you cn know how my blog is performing every month.
I don’t intend this to be an opportunity to brag or to embarrass myself, simply to offer two opportunities to the readers.
Firstly, if you’re a blogger, you might find some great ideas for articles to post if you’re struggling for inspiration. Secondly, if you’re a reader, you may just be interested in which articles did the best over the past month. So either way, there may be something here for you.
So as always, I’ve listed the five articles below in order from least views to must views and pulled out an extract from the article to give you a taster and then there’s a link to the article itself too.
Obviously being a book blogger, a lot of my articles are book reviews so
Let me know which of the articles you’ve read or if you decide to steal any of the ideas.

5. Book review of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (189 views)
“I struggle with novellas as I’m somebody that likes to feel like I’ve been on an emotional journey with a book and often feel that the 150 pages a novella gives you can’t accomplish this. However, once in a while, a novella does come along that does really impress you and makes you see why it is so celebrated. The Alchemist almost does this for me.
Whilst reading it, I was impressed with the messages Coelho was getting across but felt that due to its short length and lack of deep plot, I couldn’t give it the five stars it deserves. In hindsight, it is a great novel and one that has left me reflecting. I reckon I’ll pick it up again in the future at some point when I’m maybe more in the mood for life-changing writing. But for now, it’s a four stars from me.”
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4. Did Atomic Habits by James Clear actually change anything about my life? (283 views)
“I’ve noted a few times in this review that I am a huge sceptic when it comes to any of these books that claim to change your life, however, I came out of reading Atomic Habits not feeling like I’d read a load of wishy-washy nonsense about how I should change my mindset but with real tangible applications. Also, my favourite lesson to come out of this book is that you don’t have to start off big – in fact starting off very small and consistently doing something very small is the best way to start as it promotes what you want to be being very easy. If you’re looking to become a millionaire in the next six months, this may not be the book for you, but if you’re trying to consistently take up running or lose a little weight or something tangible like this, then Atomic Habits may offer you some great steps to help build up those habits.”
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3. I answer all the bookish questions – 50 book questions to ask your friends (356 views)
“That actually took a lot longer than I thought it would. However, there you have it – 50 questions to ask your bookish friends to strike up a conversation.
Go through these and let me know your answers – let me know if any of these questions stumped you. Either way, message me on my social media channels once you’ve read this article!”

2. Book review: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by JK Rowling (413 views)
“If you’ve read the previous 900 words and gotten to this point then I congratulate you. If you’re somebody who has already read HP a million times over and are simply here to read another view – thank you. If you’re somebody who has never read the books and wants to know if they’re any good – I hope I’ve summarised the book well enough for you.
I would recommend Harry Potter to absolutely everybody. It transcends the fantasy or YA genres some would argue it fits into. The Philosopher’s Stone is a very solid first book and you can see why (after her many attempts to actually have it accepted by publishers – google it) J.K. Rowling hit a home run with this first novel.”
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1. Book review: To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee (518 views)
“I listened to To Kill a Mockingbird via audiobook and I read the kindle version too and whichever I was choosing to do, I found myself absolutely obsessed and invested by the story and the characters. When I pick up a classic, I always go into it with hesitancy as I worry I won’t grasp why it’s received the acclaim it has and to have endured for such a long time. But I can 100% see why To Kill A Mockingbird is considered one of the greatest novels ever written. It gives you an utterly pure look into prejudice and the beginnings of the questions of whether it’s right the way people of colour were treated back then and whilst doing so writes in some utterly loveable characters, a gripping story and the feeling of completion when finished.
If you’ve not read To Kill A Mockingbird, I would highly recommend it to absolutely everyone. Usually, I pick a genre so I can link it to those genre reviews on my blog but I have to recommend this book to everybody. It’s fantastic and possibly up there with one of my favourite novels I’ve ever read.”
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In summary…
It’s great to see some really old articles on this list this month. You know Google is the source for most of your reviews when your most-read article of the month was published in September 2012. Also, you can see how my cover design has changed – this was before I was comfortable putting my face on the interwebs.
Also, as I mentioned, being a book blogger means that all of my articles are bookish and four of these are book reviews. It’s good to know that deciding to focus on book reviews was the right idea.
Let me know which of these articles you’ve read or which articles you’ll be going off to read because you never even knew I had them. Either way, I hope you enjoyed this article.