Comparison: Physical books vs eBooks

Comparison: Physical books vs eBooks

Comparisons, Features
So an ongoing debate amongst book lovers is which format is better? eBooks or physical books? The answer is inevitably going to be whichever you prefer. HOWEVER, they both have their advantages and disadvantages and I feel like understand both of their advantages and disadvantages can help someone not only read faster but also enjoy reading a lot more. (more…)
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Comparison: Goodreads vs StoryGraph

Comparison: Goodreads vs StoryGraph

Comparisons, Features
For around a year now, I've been using StoryGraph alongside Goodreads as my two book-tracking apps. I found StoryGraph randomly on Twitter one day when someone I follow posted a link to an article of the best alternatives to Goodreads. Since then, I've used StoryGraph as it offers a lot of benefits over Goodreads, but Goodreads does still offer some advantages too. Below I've compared the two platforms which will hopefully give you some guidance as to which book-tracking/recommendation platform you'd prefer to use. Something to note: when you first set up a StoryGraph account it is relatively easy to transfer ALL of your Goodreads content over including reviews, reading dates and bookshelves which makes the transition even better. So let's begin... User interface One of the most important things…
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